Anxiety, worry and stress are part of the human condition. But for many people, the voice of anxiety can be a constant presence, the depth of worry can ruin days or nights, and panic attacks can interfere with living your normal life.

I understand. Anxiety and panic attacks are something I have experienced personally, and I have both a great understanding of them, and deep empathy for how much they can impact our experience of life.

I offer counseling and psychotherapy that can help you manage and lessen anxiety, stress and panic attacks.

It starts with understanding your particular experience of this built-in facet of the human brain. Anxiety and worry are evolutionary tools built into us that have helped us become the dominant species on the planet – it was good to worry about whether there was going to be a lion at the watering hole!

I then work with clients to be aware of how anxiety works in their body and mind – how it feels, what the triggers are, what their reactions to those thoughts and feelings are.

Finally, we look at all the tools available for managing fear, anxiety & panic attacks – from breathing and relaxation exercises, to mindfulness meditation, to cognitive behavioral therapy. We can even discuss other medical treatments that might be appropriate for you, whether it’s from an M.D., a naturopath, or an acupuncturist.

When it comes to anxiety, I am all about what works – and have a good track record helping people get relief.

Man suffering from anxiety and panic attacks