If You’re Asking “What Should I Do With My Life”, You’re Asking The Wrong Question…

I ran across this short video yesterday and was stunned by the clarity of how the speaker (a comedian, actually) spelled out the importance of knowing your MISSION if life. Your PURPOSE. The "Why" you are here. Because if you know the "Why" of your life, then you can not only find one or more [...]

By |2017-10-31T19:17:38+00:00February 5th, 2016|career, decision making, men, mission & purpose|0 Comments

A Quick, But Important Thought for Nice Guys

You will really make a break-through when you take into account how much doing (or not doing) something would disappoint YOU along with how much it might disappoint someone else.It is the balance of these things that makes for good decision making in a relationship.P.S. - many Nice Guys are good at over-estimating how disappointed people [...]

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